Free Fire 1.101.1 APK Original

Free Fire 1.101.1 APK Original

Garena International I

What's New in the Latest Version 1.101.1

Sep 20, 2023

[New Mode] Zombie Hunt mode returns with a bigger map, more monsters, and enhanced buffs!
[Peak Rework] Bermuda's Peak has undergone major changes and the area will now be available in Clash Squad.
[New Character] Suzy will earn you in-match currency for your eliminations.
[Clash Squad] Loot the Cyber Airdrop for rarer equipment.
[Battle Royale] Capture the Defense Arsenal and try out Solo Dare, a new revival method.
[Training Grounds] Reworked Target Range for more effective training sessions.

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App infomation
اسم الحزمة com.dts.freefireth
loop Created with sketchtool.
الإصدار 1.101.1
الحجم 67 MB
الفئة Action
السعر مجانًا
متوافق مع Android 4.1+
المطور Garena International I

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